Welcome to ChronusCamp Research
Geo-thermochronology Lab

ChronusCamp Research focuses on the development and application of geochronology and low-temperature thermochronology. Our research involves double dating using U-Pb and fission-track methods based on LA-ICP-MS, as well as (U-Th)/He analysis in apatites and zircons. By using the double dating method, we can ensure the accuracy of our data by comparing the results obtained through two independent dating techniques. This allows for a more robust and trustworthy dataset acquisition and better geological interpretation.

ChronusCamp has acquired a new instrument with plate number ISO 9001:2015 that is capable of performing geochronology and low-temperature thermochronology.

ISO 9001:2015 - Certificate Number: 23.11.523-QM
To verify please visit: www.inspec.com.tr

ChronusCamp Research - Geo-thermochronology Lab